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BeitragThema: One Piece Kapitel 1016: Spoiler    One Piece Kapitel 1016: Spoiler   EmptyMi 9 Jun - 8:16


Guten Morgen zusammen,

einmal die neusten Spoiler:

Quelle: Mal nicht reddit

Chapter 1.016: "Here Tama !!"

  • According to CP0, after the change of sides of the Pleasures and the Waiters, the battle is left in 20,000 members on the side of Kaidou Vs. 7,000 warriors on the part of the samurai.

  • Nami Vs. Ulti. Nami wins thanks to Zeus.

  • Usopp catches Bao Huang and tells Tama to speak to the entire island for the Marys.

  • Yamato vs Kaidou at the end of the chapter. Yamato: "I'm going to sail to sea with Luffy! But before that, let's kick you out of Wanokuni first !!"

  • Kaidou: "Don't think I'm going to hold back, Yamato !!"

  • Break next week.


Aktualisierte Spoiler:

from Redon (Ap)

  • The part of Kaidou vs Yamato is 2 pages.

  • Besides that and Nami's part, the rest of the chapter is people commenting on how the battle is going.

  • The title of the chapter seems to refer to the first sentence that Tama says when speaking to the entire island.

  • Zeus asks Nami to give him a new name. Nami calls him “Wata” (cotton) but Zeus doesn't like it and keeps calling himself Zeus.

  • Ulti dodges Nami's attack, but thanks to Zeus, the attack chases Ulti.

  • It seems there is a reason why Kaidou is in Wanokuni.

  • Yamato says that she cannot defeat Kaidou but will fight him until Luffy returns.

  • Chapter is only 15 pages (2 less than normal).

  • We don't see Bao Huang's face in this chapter.

  • Usopp catches Bao Huang with his "Midori Boshi: Devil" (Green Star: Devil).

  • Yamato and Kaidou are on the roof of the dome.

  • Kaidou transforms into a dragon to climb up and then uses his hybrid form.

  • The final clash is a Haki clash between them.

Sobald es neue Spoiler / detaillierte Spoiler gibt, werde ich diese posten.

Quelle: Jetzt doch reddit



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